We find earlier test dates and offer them to you

Save time & money by using our driving test scanner

4 easy steps to get you a Driving Test Cancelation

01-Setup your account.

Book your driving test by using this link https://www.gov.uk/driving-test
You will be needing your driving license number, and application reference number
If you want us to book your driving test we will needing your full name and address.
Pay quickly and securely.

02-Choose your plan

We have various plans for you to choose from:

30minute scanner-
This will scan the dvsa website every 30minutes, its recommended for less busier test centres.

10minute scanner
This will scan the dvsa website every 10mins, its recommended for populated test centres.

5minute scanner
This will scan the dvsa website every 5 minutes, its recommended for busier test centres.

1minute scanner
This will scan the dvsa website every 1 min, this scan will give you more choice of availably of test cancelations in your area.

unlimited scans till test
This will scan the dvsa website every 5 mins. Its recommended for learners who feel they will take few driving tests. Pay once and use our scanner till you pass.

book & scan
This service will arrange your driving test booking and also we will provide you an earlier driving test cancelation date.

03-Receiving texts/emails

For driving test cancelation Sit back and wait for the texts to arrive. This may take a few hours or a few days, depending on when the test dates get released to book. Reply with “YES” to a test you want within the 15 minute window and we will book it for you. You will receive a congratulations message if you have replied correctly and within the deadline. Ignore any dates and times that are not convenient for you and the system will keep searching for you.


With all your bookings you should receive the updated booking confirmation email off the DVSA, check this on your email or on the DVSA website so you are 100% satisfied you have received the service you expected.